Our members are principally our volunteers and employees. Volunteers and employees become members in order to become more involved in the running and the direction of the Project. Anyone who is employed by the Project or who volunteers regularly (after initially volunteering 10 times) can apply to become a Member.
Benefits of membership
Active participation in the direction of the Project.
Invitation to, and equal voting rights, at General Meetings, to elect directors, to bring and discuss ideas and to vote on proposals related to the Project’s direction.
Eligible to run for a director’s role.
Training and education on the workings of a cooperative. Eg. governance, facilitation, consensus decision making.
Be part of a co-operative movement in Bristol and across the world putting resources into the hands of local communities.
Responsibilities of members
To be aware of and uphold our purpose, principles and values.
To understand and adhere to our Safer Space commitment.
To be an advocate for the project and its mission.
Volunteer members are expected to volunteer a minimum of two sessions a month.*This may refer to a workshop or another session of volunteering, i.e. admin.
Members are expected to attend a minimum of 3 Members’ Meetings each year, with special importance given to attending the AGM. If members can’t attend, they are expected to send apologies and a proxy.*
Members will be asked once every 12 months to opt back into membership including re-signing the ‘Safer Space Commitment’.
*We acknowledge that people's circumstances vary and we want to be flexible and inclusive - if you’re worried about meeting this expectation please be in touch.
Becoming a member
Membership is opt-in (offered to volunteers rather than automatic) and is self-regulating, meaning that volunteers are entrusted to decide if they meet the criteria for membership.
Anyone wishing to become a member must fill out the online form which includes the name of two existing members willing to sponsor them.
Anyone wishing to become a member must sign up to the BBP’s ‘Safer Space Commitment’
Membership applications are approved in a two step process:
A relevant staff member will check the applicant meets the minimum set criteria and expectations. Applicants will be invited for a new member induction before final approval.
A list of new members will be brought periodically to the Directors Group for approval.
Ending membership
Anyone can resign membership at any time. Members can request removal if they are no longer active by e-mailing:
In the rare case that a member's behaviour or conduct is problematic a Coordinator or the Directors’ Group might need to follow our disciplinary procedure.
There is an annual opt-in for all members where they re-commit to membership. If a member doesn’t opt in they will be contacted to see if they want to be removed from the membership list. If a reasonable effort has been made to make contact with the member and no response is received they will be removed from the list.
Membership can be easily reinstated if that person re-engages.
Members meetings
Standing items for General Meetings are minutes from previous meetings and matters arising. Additional standing items for the AGM are annual accounts, elections for retiring directors, Directors Group and Ops Group annual reports.
Members can raise additional issues for discussion at a GM or AGM which will be allocated time and slots depending first on urgency and level of interest, and then on a first come first served basis. If members are raising items for discussion, they should be prepared to lead those discussions at the meeting or delegate to an appropriate person. Where an idea or issue cannot be resolved at the GM, a working group or individual lead should be delegated as appropriate.
Any member can put themselves forward to chair a meeting and chairs will be elected at the start of each GM.
Minutes are sent to the membership and made publicly available via this Co-operative Handbook online.
If you are upset or concerned about something, please inform the Coordinator of your session. If this is inappropriate speak to the HR & Governance Coordinator by e-mailing:
See our Volunteer Grievance Procedure for details about how to raise a serious concern.
There will be a 6 monthly check-in with all members to gather feedback and see if anyone needs support to continue their membership.
Last updated
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