Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Our policy
Equity, diversity and inclusion are integral to The Bristol Bike Project’s purpose, principles, values and how we work. We challenge hierarchical and oppressive structures in society, institutions and groups, including in our own organisation.
At The Bristol Bike Project, we realise that the success of the project relies upon working with the whole community in Bristol and we are committed to making this project open and inclusive.
We celebrate difference across all areas of the project and endeavour for all who interact with our project to be treated fairly, openly, honestly, and with dignity.
The Bristol Bike Project aims to provide an inclusive, non-judgemental, vibrant and empowering environment for staff, volunteers, project-users and customers alike, from all walks of life. We ensure wherever possible that our services (both trading and community) are accessible and responsive to all existing and potential project-users and customers, and that our policy positions take account of their diversity. We acknowledge the importance of equity and that some people need to be treated differently in order to be included.
At The Bristol Bike Project, we strive to have a diverse staff and volunteer team to meet the diverse needs of our visitors.
This policy covers the operations of the entire project including, but not limited to, our co-operative, community projects, our shop and courses.
This policy is designed to ensure that all current and prospective project-users, staff, workers, volunteers, contractors and other stakeholders are offered equal opportunities at all times regardless of the following protected characteristics: 1. Age 2. Disability 3. Gender reassignment 4. Marital status or civil partnership 5. Pregnancy/maternity 6. Race 7. Religion or belief 8. Sex 9. Sexual orientation We seek to ensure that no one suffers, either directly or indirectly, as a result of unlawful discrimination. This extends beyond the individual's own characteristics, to cover discrimination by association and by perception.
Everyone working at or representing The Bristol Bike Project has a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect, in line with this policy and legal requirements. The overall responsibility for implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of this policy rests with the Directors. Workshop coordinators and shop staff have a crucial role to play in promoting equity and diversity. All volunteers, members and staff are given guidance and instruction, through induction and other training, as to their responsibility and role in promoting equity of opportunity and diversity.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in our Provision
The Bristol Bike Project will ensure that none of its policies or practices discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone involved in BBP, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. We welcome diversity of all those involved in The Bristol Bike Project and promote equality of opportunity by ensuring:
We induct volunteers, coordinators and staff in, monitor and enforce our Safer Space Policy.
We create an environment that is inclusive, non-judgmental and empowering for all.
We are open and responsive to the needs of our users and customers and where possible adapt our services accordingly.
We strive to ensure our building is accessible to all.
Our services are widely promoted and targeted to marginalised groups.
Images on our website and publications reflect the diversity across the project.
We use straight-forward language in our communications and where practical certain external communications are made accessible in several languages.
We will ensure our events and training are as accessible as possible.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as a Voluntary and Member-led Organisation / Equal opportunities employer
Decision Making
We promote inclusivity and equity in our co-operative decision making. We use induction and ongoing training and events to ensure accessible and active participation. This includes facilitation training to ensure everyone is heard and included in meetings.
Volunteer, member and staff policies are formulated and applied fairly and equally without unlawful discrimination. Opportunities for training, development and employment are made available on a fair and equal basis.
We will develop a volunteer pathway that provides a clear and accessible route for project-users to gain skills, experience, training and
We will form a Representation and Diversity Working Group that monitors, reviews and updates our policies and practises.
Employment & Pay
We are a living wage employer, have a flat pay structure and review pay annually. We strive for best practice when formulating leave and holiday policies to support the wellbeing of our staff. In doing so we seek to identify and remove barriers to fulfilling employment for all.
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and selection practices are free from unlawful discriminatory criteria and we encourage volunteering from a range of backgrounds, in particular from our project-users. All applicants are considered objectively based on merit.
We are an equal opportunities employer, and particularly welcome applications from people currently underrepresented in the world of bike mechanics including black and minority ethnic people; LGBTQI+ people; women and people from a low socio-economic background.
Staff who deal with the recruitment process will attend training on diversity and inclusion in the context of recruitment, in particular the risk of unconscious bias.
The Bristol Bike Project will make reasonable adjustments to remove barriers for disabled volunteers, members and staff.
Bullying and harassment
Unlawful discrimination, bullying or harassment will not be tolerated. Bullying is defined as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means that undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the complainant. Bullying should be distinguished from healthy debate/discussion and from legitimate feedback and requests.
Harassment is defined as unwanted conduct related to a protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual.
Volunteers, members and staff are encouraged to raise any concerns with the Volunteer Session Coordinator if appropriate or the HR & Governance Coordinator.
Breach of this policy
Complaints of unfavourable treatment by project users, volunteers or employees are taken seriously. Anyone who feels that they have been treated in a way which is contrary to this policy should raise the issue as soon as possible with the Volunteer Coordinator or the HR & Governance Coordinator or a Director. Any breaches of this policy will be fully investigated.
Breaches or suspected breaches of this policy will be dealt with under the disciplinary procedure and may result in dismissal.
No one will be treated less favourably for raising in good faith that they feel they have been treated in a way that is contrary to the policy but any malicious and unfounded accusations will be investigated under the disciplinary procedure.
This policy will be reviewed every two years and amended in line with new developments in equity, diversity and inclusion best practice.
Next review due January 2025
Last updated
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