Employed workers and Freelance workers
In as many cases as possible, BBP workers will be issued a contract of employment, and will be paid after the deduction of tax & NI, where applicable.
Exceptionally, workers who work either very infrequently, or on a 'one-off' basis, will be paid on receipt of invoice, without deductions. These are termed Freelance workers.
Single-rate of pay
BBP currently pays a single-rate of pay for roles.
This policy was reached through a wide consultation. Balancing all the arguments out it was felt that an equal pay rate for all staff supports the cooperative ethos and reinforces the principle that all roles are important and that everyone has an opportunity to contribute equally.
This single rate of pay would also apply to new employees who might require a short period of training. Where longer training schemes (such as an apprentice scheme) might be implemented, an exception could be made to this policy.
This policy can be reviewed, but would change only after consultation with the Membership.
Pay review
Pay is scheduled to be reviewed annually, in July. Pay is expected to rise in line with the cost of living, as long as it is deemed affordable. The agreed cost of living index is the Living Wage Foundation (livingwage.org.uk).
Employed workers
The main employment terms and conditions are:
For an employed worker, the rate of pay is £24,379 per annum (updated June 2023).
This is based on 37.5 hours per week.
Pay is increased annually in July in line with the increase in the cost of living, as long as it is deemed affordable (see pay review section)
Pay will be monthly in arrears
Under PAYE the employer deducts tax and national insurance contributions before paying wages
A worker's own personal circumstances will determine how much tax and national insurance will be deducted
Holiday entitlement is currently 31 days per annum for a full-time worker including public holidays.
Workplace pension scheme is offered if the employee meets statutory qualifying criteria.
Time off in lieu. BBP seeks to pay employees a 'flat-rate' per month, and any 'overs' and 'unders' on time worked is managed by the employee back to nil, via time of in lieu. However, it can be left to the Directors’ Group to vary from this, as may be needed
Freelance worker
For an freelance worker, the rate of pay is £12 per hour, currently
The rate is increased annually in July in line with the increase in the cost of living, as long as it is deemed affordable (see pay review section)
Employee / self employed guidance from HMRC
Someone who works for a business is probably an employee if most of the following are true:
they’re required to work regularly unless they’re on leave, for example holiday, sick leave or maternity leave
they’re required to do a minimum number of hours and expect to be paid for time worked
a manager or supervisor is responsible for their workload, saying when a piece of work should be finished and how it should be done
they can’t send someone else to do their work
the business provides the materials, tools and equipment for their work
the business deducts tax and National Insurance contributions from their wages
they get paid holiday
they’re entitled to contractual or Statutory Sick Pay, and maternity or paternity pay
they can join the business’s pension scheme
the business’s disciplinary and grievance procedures apply to them
they work at the business’s premises or at an address specified by the business
their contract sets out redundancy procedures
they only work for the business or if they do have another job, it’s completely different from their work for the business
their contract, statement of terms and conditions or offer letter (which can be described as an ‘employment contract’) uses terms like ‘employer’ and ‘employee’
Someone is probably self-employed and shouldn’t be paid through PAYE if most of the following are true:
they’re in business for themselves, are responsible for the success or failure of their business and can make a loss or a profit
they can decide what work they do and when, where or how to do it
Last reviewed: June 2021/Next review due: June 2023
Last updated
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